There’s no way to reconcile everything in the Bible unless it’s all true.

We cannot lay claim to a single act of goodness from a state of total depravity.

from asthenes [“a” = without + “sthenos” = strength] – literally means “without strength”; in context, it means we were incapable of contributing to our salvation

We cannot lay claim to a single act of goodness from a state of total depravity.

Your life on Earth is meant to bring glory to God, not yourself.

Systematic Theology is not a “one size fits all” solution to interpreting Holy Scripture. In fact, since all such theologies are manmade, they are inherently flawed. As such, all theologies have strengths and weaknesses (why do you think there’s been so much contention between staunch theologians throughout history?).

I want YOU to have your OWN convictions, your OWN wisdom, and therefore your OWN abilities, so YOU can live in the CONTEXT of your OWN life and bring glory to God!

The Gospel of Jesus Christ
We are all born depraved. Salvation is a gracious gift from God. It is the result of the Gospel calling, which is: Jesus Christ, who is God incarnate, humbled Himself to die on our behalf. Thus He became the sinless sacrifice to pay the penalty of our guilt. He rose from the dead to declare with power that He is Lord over all, and He offers eternal life freely to sinners who will surrender to Him in humble, repentant faith.

Proper Perspective When Studying Salvation
We must heed Solomon’s wisdom (Ecc 12:13-14). We are slaves given duties by our Master. We don’t always know the Master’s plans. He gives us faith instead.

The Job Description of a Slave
Obey your master.

So-Called “Free Will”
Slaves may suppose, even agree amongst themselves, that their so-called “free will” gives them power to influence (or even modify) their Master’s plans. However, God’s decree was ordained before human history, sovereignly set in stone.

Grace is not a slave to what man thinks is “fair”.

Covert Arrogance:  Hiding Out in Plain Sight
Book - 
Chapter 3: Mercy Demands
“Receivers of mercy have no inherent right to demand it, for if they did, it would no longer be defined as mercy, but rather as something that is due to them. This is arrogance, most often covert.”
Grace is not a slave to what man thinks is “fair”.