Slavery Is Real, For You! 
Since Christ has redeemed you from the slave market of sin, you are His possession (Tit 2:14). There are eternal implications of this that you ought to be ever-so-grateful for! Being a slave of Christ is the best thing you could ever hope to be (ref: the alternative is being a slave to sin - ala Ro 6:16 - just consider those implications).

Good perspective guarantees good living. 

Focus on loving others while God loves you!

Being “In Love” 
There’s no better place to be, for you or for others, than abiding in the sphere of God’s love! (e.g. Jn 15: 11-14)

2Pe 2:19 
For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved. 

God loves godly families. 

The Value of Discipline in the Family 
A family without discipline is a cursed family.

Josh 24:15b 
“But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” 

The Value of Discipline in the Family 
The earlier you establish sound discipline in the family, the happier and more peaceful your family will be in the long run. The Spirit wants us to know what a godly family structure looks like so that we can model our own after it, and be blessed!

Teaching Us Love 
God uses godly families to teach children about His love, from a practical perspective. The divine institutions of marriage and family are actually the platforms God uses to teach others about His love. Godly families aren’t necessarily the end goal; rather, they are the vehicle - the context for love to shine.

On Marriage and Family 
We believers are held to a higher standard. And, remember, MAN does not set the bar.

Perspective On Marriage and Family 
A “higher standard” implies greater responsibility. However, this also means more opportunity to bring glory to God in time!

Men, Protect Your Family! 
Do not allow people from outside of your family infiltrate it. Be vigilant, on guard, ready to ward off the wolves in sheep’s clothing. Remember, attacks often come from where you least expect it! (Psa 55:12-14)

The Value of Family 
Disciplined, well-adjusted children from godly homes make for great subordinates because authority-orientation was instilled in them at an early age, and they are blessed for it (and become blessings for others, especially those in authority) (Eph 6:5).

The Value of Family 
Undisciplined, maladjusted children from ungodly homes make for horrible subordinates because authority-orientation was never instilled in them, and they are cursed for it (and become a cursing for others, especially those in authority).

Godliness in families pays dividends for life!