Learn to be grateful for the ‘now’!

God decided to save you.

Ro 12:1 [Amplified Classic]
I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.

On Marriage and Family
We believers are held to a higher standard.

The Value of Family
There’s an intrinsic goodness that blankets a godly family that is unmistakably a blessing from God designed to encourage such families to persist in the faith.

The Responsibility of the Man
A weak, arrogant husband/father will make excuses for himself; but a strong, humble man will always accept God’s wisdom, love, and discipline and apply it to his own life.

Men, Protect Your Family!
Do not allow people from outside of your family infiltrate it. Be vigilant, on guard, ready to ward off the wolves in sheep’s clothing. Remember, attacks often come from where you least expect it! (Psa 55:12-14)

Learning To Think Before We Emote

Blog - 1/8/21

“This mystery is profound”
The family is a microcosm of God’s larger family. As Christ is over His Bride, the Church, husbands are over their wives in their families.

The Value of Family
Disciplined, well-adjusted children from godly homes make for great subordinates because authority-orientation was instilled in them at an early age, and they are blessed for it (and become blessings for others, especially those in authority) (Eph 6:5).

The Value of Family
Undisciplined, maladjusted children from ungodly homes make for horrible subordinates because authority-orientation was never instilled in them, and they are cursed for it (and become a cursing for others, especially those in authority).

Godliness in families pays dividends for life!