Obedience of Faith
There’s a divine sequence that leads to blessings from God. (e.g. 2Jn 6; 1Jn 5:1-3)

Read Your Bible!
The Spirit uses the Word in us to convict us of the Truth. The Truth enables us to discern right from wrong. The Spirit endorses our findings (“Yes!” or “No!”), all while guiding us with His power. We can’t lose with Truth!

Integrity and Freedom
Without integrity to the Truth, there is no freedom. Jesus said, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (Jn 8:32). Lies (aka anti-Truth) are what keep people in bondage.

Jn 8:31-32
So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word [have integrity to Truth], you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Integrity and Freedom
You see, the “secret” to integrity, and therefore freedom, is abiding in the Truth. The alternative is to abide in lies, which guarantees bondage.

Living In Lies
One BIG lie promotes a bunch of “downstream” little lies. The result is living a life of lies (all of which rob a person of God’s blessings). Sex outside of marriage is a perfect example.

The greatest form of intimacy between two humans has nothing to do with sex.

Blogs Regarding Sex
• The Three Pillars of Satan’s Unholy Economy
• Temple Invasion
• The Bibles Says To Run Away!!!

The Substance of Integrity
The genius of Satan is this: he’s shifted the idea of integrity from integrity to Truth to integrity to feelings. The prior leads to freedom, the latter bondage.

If you stand for nothing, you fall for anything.

The Substance of Integrity
The genius of Satan is this: he’s shifted the idea of integrity from integrity to Truth to integrity to feelings. The prior leads to freedom, the latter bondage.

Contemporary Christianity “Encouragement”
• Focus on feelings rather than Truth
• Read commentaries/devotionals rather than the Bible
• Encourage fleshly desires rather than kill them
• Align with American avarice, sloth, and idolatry
• Promote a different Jesus, gospel, & spirit

“Feelings” vs. Truth
People “feel” a lot of things are “right,” even as it pertains to the things of God. However, many so-called “Christians” today have feelings void of Biblical training (e.g. Eph 4:11-12; Ro 10:17). In the absence of divine knowledge, their conscience is a slave to false data (e.g., “the doctrines of demons” - 1Ti 4:1).

What Are We Celebrating?
We aren’t called to celebrate the feeling of “belonging” (that’s how cults form). We are called to celebrate the Word of God, the Word of Truth, that is Christ, Himself.

What Are We Celebrating?
Celebration demands a root cause; otherwise, it is unfounded emotionalism. How can we "supposedly celebrate" Jesus if we don't know the Word of God (Him)? Wouldn't this be nothing more than celebrating for the sake of celebrating (aka - to satisfy your emotional desire to "feel" good)?

What Are We Celebrating?
Many "Christians" have supplanted worshipping God with celebrating their feelings regarding Him. Yes, there's a difference, and it matters. The DIRECTION of one's affections make all the difference (towards God vs. towards self).

Protecting the Flock
A pastor’s job is NEVER to appease the flesh; rather, a pastor’s job is to see human flesh KILLED! (1Ti 1:5, 4:1-4; Ro 8:9-13)