Sharing the Good News
When you have the peace to let the chips fall where they may, and that's what it is, peace, they will see it and be drawn to it, because it's a product of the one true God.

There Are No Shortcuts
God gives man this thing called "life", in this thing called "time", which no man can get around or rush through. And no matter how difficult it may seem at times, it's an act of His grace.

By faith…
... we say "YES LORD, I am WILLING."

There Are No Shortcuts
We should now stop and thank God for this thing called "time", as it affords us His gentleness and a gradual learning that doesn't slam us into a state of shock, or despair.

Do Not Despair
A person abiding in the cradle of Christ's love shall not despair (Ps 34:17-18). It's when we lose our perspective (aka "abiding" experientially) that we lose our peace and enter into the horribleness of despair.

Balance Statement
We all experience some level of despair from time to time, no matter how mature we might think we are in Christ (e.g. 2Co 1:3-11).

Pr 24:16
For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again,
But the wicked stumble in time of calamity.

Sin (defined)
To miss the mark.
Since God is perfect and we are not, we "fall" often, even the most "righteous" among us! Relax. When you fall, do not focus on the failure, but rather the grace afforded you in time of need to get back up! (Pr 24:16)

Forgiveness knits imperfect members of a family together. It fosters the unity of faith as something real/attainable in time. It is a primitive desire of the one who loves.

We Love Like the God-Man
What we do as believers is the proof of, or evidence of, who/what we love. If we love the Lord, it is evidenced by the fact that we live for Him and His sheep. Sound familiar?

Jn 3:16
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

Love gives.
It cannot help but express itself.

The Supernatural Bible
An arrogant person doesn’t want fruit to be considered as evidence of their saving faith. Why? Because they may not have it, as per Jesus, they prove themselves liars. (1Jn 1:5-7)

1Co 15:10
But by the grace of God I am what I am.