The Barren Fig Tree (Person)
This parable about producing fruit is a continuation on the need for repentance... otherwise the tree, analogous to a person here, proves worthless and of no good value. There's NOTHING good in it (him)! Lk 13:1-9

Don't Compare and Be Deceived!
If you SAY you repent or believe, but you have no good fruit in your life for God and you totally live for yourself, don't be deceived! Lk 3:7-9,13:1-9, Ac 26:19-20

Repentance and Fruit
It's genuine repentance, which only God can produce in a person, that saves a soul from death and changes him from the inside out.

"Keeping With Repentance"
Repentance and faith come first, and if granted by God, they result in true goodness in our hearts and lives.
Jn 6:65, Gal 5:22-23

"Keeping With Repentance"
True faith has good works simply because God is now at work in the heart and life of a believer. Php 1:6,2:13

How Can We Explain It???

One of the most baffling things in this life is God's patience.

Trust in the Lord
Let's zealously spread the Gospel and plant the seeds, knowing full well the Lord will sort it all out in the end.

Bad Religion!
The religious Jews pursued righteousness as though it were achieved by works, and not by grace through faith in the Lord. They lived self-righteous lives rather than repentant lives. This is a main difference between bad religion and good religion. Ro 9:30-10:4, Col 2:20-23, Jas 1:26-27

Supernatural Growth
Only God can cause this type of exponential growth. It's actually not only miraculous, but unseen and invisible on how it happens from within. Lk 13:18-21, Mk 4:20

Jn 3:8
“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit."

Supernatural Growth
The kingdom of God is not stagnant in any way, but it's full of life and growth... growth caused by the supernatural intervention and working of God Almighty. Lk 13:18-21

True evil is supposing human good is righteous.

"Strive To Enter“ – Lk 13:24
Man, in his sinful nature, has a lot of garbage in the way, and Satan just feeds the fire in man's soul, to keep him prideful and independent of God. Thus the difficulty to enter the narrow door of God's salvation.

Blog - The Strangest Wrestling Match Ever!
"While salvation is simply by grace, man wrestles with the difficulty of entering through the narrow gate, of accepting our Lord’s demand to deny self, of surrender."

God Is Good!
Don't be doubting or skeptical towards life or towards God when you hear about His sovereignty and His righteous decisions. God is inherently good and inherently love! Ps 73:1, Mt 7:11, Lk 13:34, 1Ti 4:4, Jas 1:17, 1Pe 1:19, 1Jn 4:8,16