The greatest "mirror" we've ever been given is the Word of God!

While they may not realize it at first, what a humble person finds in the Bible are the very motivating factors for living, itself. Purpose. Self-Esteem. Direction. These are gifts from God meant to annihilate fear, insecurity, and lostness.

Thoughts On Devotionals
Devotionals should ALWAYS be read with caution. Unless a person is reading their Bible faithfully, they ought not be reading a devotional.

Thoughts On Devotionals
It’s not a devotional’s job to interpret the Bible, it’s the Bible’s job to interpret a devotional.

Thoughts On Devotionals
While so-called “devotionals” may serve as friendly little reminders/perspectives to devoted Bible-readers (though hardly necessary), they can/do supplant the Word’s rightful place in the soul for those who barely/never read their Bible.

Thoughts On Devotionals
Remember, no person (e.g. writer) will EVER be responsible for delivering another person. Only the Spirit and the Word is powerful enough to do that. Quips, themes, and anecdotes, regardless of how well-packaged/presented will never replace plain Truth.

Thoughts On Devotionals
The danger that inherently exists in devotionals NEVER exists when we read the Holy Bible! Unless you have time to read both, you should only be reading one - the Bible - and even then, you ought to proceed with extreme caution.

Thoughts On Devotionals
Be exceedingly careful about reading devotionals. They are not the Word of God. They are mostly not written by anointed men of God. They should never be given in place of the Bible, and certainly not as a “softer” approach to evangelism.

Servants Of the Most High
God doesn’t need help in softening the blow when it comes to the Truth in the Bible, He only needs faithful servants willing to serve His meals, rejecting the temptation to “salt” them along the way.

2Co 11:14-15 [TLB]
Satan can change himself into an angel of light, so it is no wonder his servants can do it too, and seem like godly ministers.

Thoughts On Devotionals
God saves based on pure truth. He doesn’t need help from human writers to make His perfect Word more palatable/digestible. We evangelists ought never muddy the waters.
We are to give people truth, nothing less.

Thoughts On Devotionals
While so-called “devotionals” may serve as friendly little reminders/perspectives to devoted Bible-readers (though hardly necessary), they can supplant the Word’s rightful place in the soul for those who barely/never read their Bible.

Thoughts On Devotionals
It’s not a devotional’s job to interpret the Bible, it’s the Bible’s job to interpret a devotional.

Deacon Todd Johnson
“I’ve learned that the only book I ever need to read is the Holy Bible. If I want truth, need encouragement, need reminding, re-orientation, then I know where to go for deliverance.”

We have a problem with the arrogant, not the broken.

The Good Fight
Truth is nothing shy of immutable, making it infinitely impenetrable, unflappable, uncompromising. Soldiers fight for Truth, no matter what. When emotionalism leads, the truth is always softened and God misrepresented.

Rev 19:21
And the rest were killed with the sword which came from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse, and all the birds were filled with their flesh.

Honesty Is Not Judgement
Never confuse sound encouragement with legalistic prodding. One is honesty, the other is judgmental. If the Lord desires that we “stimulate one another to love and good deeds” (Heb 10:24), then let us be honest with each other, about everything.

Satanic Agency
To pervert core Gospel definitions is to do the work of the devil.

True Evil
When someone attempts to thwart/pervert God’s salvation plan, they are agents of the devil, himself. Jesus had NO tolerance for ANYONE who stood in the way of His Gospel, even the well-intentioned (Mt 16:21-23).