Honoring All Authority
Wisdom tells us to honor authority and it will be well with us. Honor divine authority and you will be blessed. And all authority is ultimately from God. Rom 13:1-7

Honoring All Authority
Even though the flesh kicks against this, those who submit to the Word (Jesus Christ), and His Spirit, are comforted by His authority, and by all authority being from God. God will even use unfair authorities for our ultimate benefit, if we humble ourselves before them.

Stability in the Basics
We are here to master the basic truths of God's magnificent plan. They are not complex and difficult. They are truly simple and pure, and that's what makes them so wonderful.

Stability in the Basics
The foundation just keeps getting deeper and thicker and stronger, so we feel the solid rock, Jesus Christ, under our feet, and we fear less and receive His peace more and more.

Stability in the Basics
If people would just obey God's ways, and God's authority, their lives would be so much simpler and more peaceful. They would have so much less struggle and confusion!

Change Your Perspective
Look at the analogy the Lord gives us through the family structure, that the need for earthly authority is really a call out to spiritual authority and structure in our relationship with God.

Free Will To Walk By the Spirit
Each day you are given the ability to decide for yourself between what you know is right and what is sinful. "Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin" (James 4:17). The Spirit will convict you. He will help you decide what is right and wrong. When you choose rightly, you are "walking by the Spirit" (Galatians 5:16).

1 Cor 6:18-20 NIV
Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Change Your Perspective
This message for youths is not just for teenagers in India, it's for us spiritual teenagers, us sophomore believers, who need to grow up and be a strong mature man or woman of God.

“youthful lusts”
These are the temptations that lead to sin, especially for youths. This may be inappropriate desires towards members of the opposite sex, desires to disobey authority, desires to lie, cheat, or steal, etc. (2 Timothy 2:20-22)

Walk By the Spirit
If you are walking by the Spirit, you will flee from temptation. The Holy Spirit will convict you to turn away from your fleshly desire to sin and turn to Christ (pray, read the Bible, seek relief).

Walking By the Spirit
To walk by the Spirit is to walk in love!

Walking By the Spirit
This is a supernatural ability given to believers by God.

Walking By the Spirit
This affords true believers unlimited access to the power of God, through the Holy Spirit, who motivates them to persevere and empowers this very thing.

Change Your Perspective
Spiritually speaking, God's design for the virtuous woman is a picture of us all as the bride of Christ! We have the calling of the woman, in our relationship to the Lord, so pay attention!

God’s Divine Design
There's a difference between authority and superiority. Women are subordinate, not inferior.

The First Marriage
The first human institution was marriage. The term "joined" in Gen 2:24 carries with it no room for divorce. "One flesh" refers to the sexual relationship ordained by God for marriage only.

The Heavenly Marriage
There is no chance for separation; there is no fear for divorce from the Lord, because our Bridegroom is perfect and ever faithful. Thus His promise that no one shall pluck you out of His hand. Joh 10:28

The Woman’s Desire
As part of the woman's curse, she would struggle forevermore with God's command to submit to her husband and her fleshly desire to lord over him (to disrespect his authority).

God’s Design Was Compromised
The Fall in the Garden introduced many ungodly complexities in the union of Adam and Eve. No longer was peace and contentment the order of the day; rather, struggle was ever-present in every aspect of living.

The Virtuous Woman
Spiritual and practical wisdom plus moral virtues make the character of the virtuous woman. She is the embodiment of God's design for woman as He created her originally in the Garden of Eden.

The Virtuous Woman
Her words are not empty. She is diligent in her love for the Lord God. Her love is evident in her desire to labor for her family as unto the Lord.

The Virtuous Woman
She is satisfied with her lot. In fact, she understands that to perform her duties as unto the Lord within her own household is to glorify God in time. At no point does she feel inferior to man; rather, she feels honored to serve him.

The Virtuous Woman
She is diligent in every way, even in business. She does not have idle hands; rather, her desire is to work hard for her family. Her motivation is to glorify God, giving thanks for the opportunity to do so (ala 1Th 5:16-18).

The Virtuous Woman
She is sensitive to the needs of others. She is compassionate, always open to helping others in need.

The Virtuous Woman
As a result of her own industry, her husband benefits. In the community, his own reputation increases. She brings honor to her husband and therefore the entire household.

The Virtuous Woman
Her character and integrity run so deep that she wears strength and dignity as her clothing! She is confident, wise, and the very embodiment of kindness. She is grace and love, like her Lord, Jesus Christ.

The Virtuous Woman
Her greatest attribute is that she fears the Lord. She loves Him and serves Him always. Every other task in her daily walk is a function of serving Him. For this she is praised, rightly.