Sin deceives us away from giving gratitude to God for whatever good things we DO have, including whatever health we DO have.

Sin, he is a liar remember... Sin wants to coax you into thinking God is unfaithful... that your Deliverer has left you or forgotten about you... or even worse, that your Deliverer hates you.

But, even though sin and Satan are very powerful and deceptive, let us remember He who is in us, namely the Spirit of Jesus Christ, is greater than he who is in the world, namely Satan! 1Jn 4:4

The only time Sin can get the better of us is when we stop clinging to the Lord and His Word!

Satan has NO CHANCE against the power and presence of God within us, and we must NEVER doubt that or forget that!

1 Jn 4:4
You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

Sin wants to discourage our faith in our Deliverer. And faith in our Deliverer includes gratitude for what we DO have! When our gratitude fades, our faith fades too.
Giving gratitude is vital (life-giving) to our faith.

No matter how hopeless the circumstance, our God CAN heal us if it's His will. But faith plays an integral part in that! Mt 13:58, 14:34-36, 15:21-28

The Canaanite Woman's Faith
Even after Jesus' negative responses, she persisted, revealing she knew Him as her Lord and Master and was willing to be the humble dog at His feet! And then the Lord eagerly healed her daughter.

Do you maintain the persistent faith of the Canaanite woman, even while you say "God's will be done"?

Part of "God's Will Be Done"
We must never lose faith in our Lord and Master, regarding our healing and deliverance, just as we must never lose gratitude. Sin wants us to "give up" on asking the Lord in faith.

Deliverance, for the believer in Christ, is GUARANTEED, whether it be on earth or in heaven. It simply depends upon God's perfect wisdom and purpose for our lives. 2Co 1:3-10

Deliverance doesn't always take the form we want it to take, but it IS ultimately guaranteed to the believer, one way or another.

Situations of death are actually a blessing in disguise because they cause us to truly set our hope in God alone. (Sin has deceived us into hoping in other things too... who honestly hopes in God alone, 100%, all the time?!)

By faith, with gratitude, we must look forward with contentment to God delivering us... even if right now He's saying it's not the right time in your life.

Life Is A Gift And A Privilege
And that's why, through it all, we are told to give thanks... because, whatever it is we're going through, it's plainly the will of God for our lives, at least right now.

1 Th 5:16-18 NIV
Be joyful always; 17 pray continually; 18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

We're "giving in" to Sin when we stop being thankful for all things!

When the timing of deliverance isn't to our liking, we get discouraged. Sin whispers lies to us... Why are you holding fast your faith in the Lord? Why hasn't God delivered you yet? But, the mature believer says "in my Father's perfect timing".

Sin's Strategy
Even after you have a victory over Sin, and especially after you have a victory over Sin... be ready for a counter-attack. And Sin will continually try to discourage you from gratitude for your Deliverer and His blessings in your life, making you look at what you DON'T have.

Gratitude is one of the keys to staying in the will of God for your life... and one of the keys to bringing God glory in your life.

God's will includes our sanctification. 1Th 4:3-8

Our Sanctification
Because we don't obey all the commands we're given, God gives us discipline to take us to sanctification, because we're not humble enough to be taken there by pure obedience.

God's will includes obeying our authorities. 1Pe 2:13-17

Then we have suffering as part of the will of God for our lives, and KNOWING God has a purpose, to remain in gratitude. 1Pe 4:12-19

Will we abide in gratitude, even when things aren't going our way?

1 Pe 4:19 AMP
Therefore, those who are ill-treated and suffer in accordance with God's will must do right and commit their souls [in charge as a deposit] to the One Who created [them] and will never fail [them].

If we stick with the Word of God, the Spirit will use the perfect Word to answer our questions and even clarify our thoughts...
... that certain ideas are from Him, and not from ourselves.