Nehemiah 1:5 “And I said, ‘O Lord God of heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments’…”

This month we are finishing up the Historical Section with its last 2 books:

-This book tells how the Jews rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem that protected Israel from their enemies.
-Nehemiah was the cup bearer for King Artaxerxes.
-Nehemiah hears that after 90 years the Jerusalem walls were still not built. He asks King Artaxerxes for permission to go oversee the construction of the wall, as well as for supplies. The King said yes to both requests!
-Their enemies threatened them and sent soldiers in order to stop them from building the wall. Nehemiah had the people arm themselves and blow trumpets as a warning.
-The walls were rebuilt in 52 days after he arrived.
-Nehemiah was made Governor and Ezra made priest.
-The 2nd half of the book of Nehemiah is Ezra reading the law of Moses to the people and then Israel recommitting themselves to God and His laws.

-The book begins in the middle of a huge party in Persia held by the King (Ahasuerus or Xerxes I). He sends for his wife, Queen Vashti, to join him.
- She refuses, so his advisers say to throw her out of the palace and find a new queen, which he does.
-Messengers are sent out to gather possible wives.
-A young Jewish woman named Esther was brought to the castle and is picked to be the new queen.
-She was raised by her cousin Mordecai.
-Haman was the chief minister to the king and wanted everyone to bow down to him. Mordecai refused.
-Haman went to the king and told him that the Jews were troublemakers and asks that King Xerxes order them to all be killed (he says ok).
-Mordecai tells Esther to go and plead with King Xerxes for their lives.
-The law stated that a person could be killed if they went to the king uninvited, but Esther asks for her people to fast and pray, and off she went.
-The King agrees to speak with, so she invites both him and Haman to a dinner.
-At the dinner, the King asks what she wants, so she invites them to another dinner party for the next night.
-During the 2nd dinner party Esther asks the king to save her life and the lives of her people. She tells him all about Haman’s evil plot.
-King Xerxes did not know she was Jewish. He becomes very angry and has Haman killed.
-He gives the Jews permission to defend themselves if attacked and promotes Mordechai.
-God gave Esther courage and used it to save them.

We learned a lot from the Historical Section of the Bible. God has a plan, He uses His people for it, and gives them strength to act. God expects obedience from His people and disciplines them when they disobey. God is faithful, hearing and answering the prayers of His children.

Next month, we start the next section called “The Writings”! We hope you are enjoying this journey through the Bible as much as we are!