True Learning
The humble person knows he needs review, admits he probably missed a whole bunch the first time learning something, and is eager to see what he missed out on (due to the flesh's intruding).

Divine Patience
Never think that review isn’t a good thing. It’s one of the greatest blessings we have in time! God reveals His patience with us as we  are delivered.

God’s Patience
The parable of the man and the fig tree (Lk 13:6-9) speaks to both God’s divine patience and the Lord Jesus Christ’s intercession on man’s behalf. God waits patiently to save man.

Patience and Sanctification
God glorifies Himself by sanctifying us! God glorifies Himself by fulfilling His own desires in us. Since we are slow to learn, He must be slow to anger, divinely patient (He exercises patience that our flesh could never perform).

Truth faith endures, revealing His Light in the end.

God’s Work Never Fails
If He saves you, He sanctifies you, no questions, no “free-will” options for the believer (there’s no such thing as a “carnal Christian”, that is, someone who thwarts God).

Practical Sanctification
The power already exists in you, but the perspective doesn’t. It turns out that perspective is the hindrance to sanctification, not power. If our perspective is skewed, we tend to turn to that which we’ve already known, naturally - the flesh’s “power to sanctify” (which is actually weakness).

Practical Sanctification
Humility allows us to access the power of God, whereas arrogance stubbornly holds on to old solutions to life's problems.

The Simple Life
If our perspective is wrong, if our flesh is in control rather than the Spirit, our lives become very complicated, frustrating, and void of peace. We can fake it, but we’re only fooling ourselves. Surrender and be free!

The Simple Life
1 Cor 14:33 NIV
For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.

Beware of Satan's Trickery
He ended up hurting himself because he listened to deceptive lies; he bought them as true, when they were just smoke and mirrors.

The Simple Life
Our enemies don’t have any REAL power over us, only that which we give to their cause. They use deception ingeniously to get us to inflict pain in our own lives. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

Passively Receiving From TV/Internet
We sit there openly taking things in, often because they're appealing to the eye or tickling to the ear, but they're often lies from the kingdom of darkness, trying to confuse and complicate your thinking about life.

Luke 8:18
"So take care how you listen; for whoever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has shall be taken away from him."

Don't doubt God's grace, ever. That's a dangling lie from the tempter himself. Gen 3:1

Sending the Apostles Out
- Jesus called them
- Jesus trained them (academically & OJT)
- Jesus sent them out

What the Apostles Lacked
Understanding (e.g., Mt 16:15-23; Lk 18:31-34; Ac 1:1-9)
Humility (e.g., Mt 20:20ff; Mk 9:33-35)
Faith (e.g., Mt 16:5-11)
Commitment (e.g., Lk 5:11; 22:31ff)
Power (e.g., Mt 17:16-17; Jn 20; Ac 1:8)

Peter, Petros – A Chip Off the Ol’ Block
What an amazing bit of encouragement Peter received from “the Rock”, Jesus Christ! The Apostles were among the first “living stones” (1Pe 2:5), but Christ is the “cornerstone” (1Pe 2:6-7).

What the Apostles Lacked
Understanding (e.g., Mt 16:15-23; Lk 18:31-34; Ac 1:1-9)
Humility (e.g., Mt 20:20ff; Mk 9:33-35)
Faith (e.g., Mt 16:5-11)
Commitment (e.g., Lk 5:11; 22:31ff)
Power (e.g., Mt 17:16-17; Jn 20; Ac 1:8)

“understood none of these things” - MacDonald
The reason is probably this: Their minds were so filled with thoughts of a temporal deliverer who would rescue them from the yoke of Rome, and set up the kingdom immediately, that they refused to entertain any other program.

“understood none of these things” - MacDonald
We often believe what we want to believe, and resist the truth if it does not fit into our preconceived notions.

We know we still carry around the flesh, but God is patient, and He continues training us all the more, by grace.